Netstar’s Remote Worker GPS Safety Device Options
Netstar offers a versatile range of remote worker GPS safety devices to suit the needs of your remote workers based on the nature of their work. All of our devices use the latest in GPS tracking technology, as well as other additional features.
Your employees are your business’s most valuable assets, and keeping their safety in mind should be a priority. Netstar offers a range of remote worker GPS safety devices that can help you mitigate the risks faced by your remote or offsite workers and keep them connected to your business wherever they are.
Your lone and remote workers often operate for long hours out in the field with little to no access to reliable communication. Equipping them with a remote worker GPS safety device enables you to keep track of their location and gives them a channel to reach out for help in the event of danger or emergency.
With location tracking and SOS duress notifications, you and your remote workers can have peace of mind and assurance of their personal safety even in isolated areas, empowering them to keep their focus on the job at hand.